What Do You Know about the Scratch Programming Language for Kids?

2 min readJun 1, 2021
Scratch programming language for kids

Scratch is a block-based programming language for kids aged 8–16. It uses a 2D block-like interface where children get to create different kinds of projects; making simple 2D animations, interactive storytelling, and playing/creating games. One of the greatest things about this platform is that users can share their artworks with each other and “remix” other players’ projects.

Scratch programming language for kids was first released in 2003 by the MIT Media Lab. Ever since, numerous schools and institutions have used it to teach the basics of coding to kids worldwide, either as a separate subject or across disciplines such as social studies and math. Currently, Scratch 3.0 has almost 70 million users in more than 150 different countries and more than 60 languages.

Scratch programming language for kids also has a great community with high safety standards for children where they can ask questions, learn from each other, and nurture their imagination. You can find educational resources including workbooks, tutorial videos, online and in-person classes on the Internet. However, finding the right one is not always as easy as it may sound.

With having more than 15 years of experience with children, we exactly know how children and teenagers learn new material. It is just by observing, listening, asking lots of questions, and having plenty of hands-on activities that children truly master a lesson. We also believe that just absorbing new data is not enough; kids need motivation and encouragement beyond all these things. This is how all of our coding courses for kids are designed, and Scratch 3.0 programming language for kids is no exception.

In Embassy.Education, we offer an online gamified Scratch course in two levels (beginner and full-course). Our beginner course includes 11 Scratch lessons with creative homework assignments while our full course has twice the number of videos. Upon enrolment, you have the option of hiring a tutor for one, five, or ten sessions or opting for mentorship which we honestly believe is invaluable.

Scratch 3.0 is the window to the world of programming for kids. In fact, it’s not just a means of advancing knowledge in the basics of coding, but a way to improve cognitive skills in children.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch the first lesson for free.




Coding courses from Embassy.Education are designed to teach coding for kids aged 5–15 in an easy and fun way. Our programs use unique innovative methods!